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Neighborhood Task Force Meeting 3-24-22


Attendance: Rhonda Strozier, Nancy O’Neill, Joanna Deming, Beatriz Vergara, Noor Ismail, JW Kim, Sara Wynn Jones, Mike Burford, Moira Egler, Kelly Allen, Amanda Loutitt, Jon Hanrahan, Adrian Crowe, Tameka Chaffin, India Kelly, Cheryl Gainey, Angela Williams, Shalace Moore, Micki McDonough, Tori Camp, Knowledge Hudson


(7) Community Members

(14) Partners

Mixer: Favorite things to do at the park/outside when you were young.

What we’ve heard about neighborhood

  • Increase safety

  • Increase greenways

  • Repair steps, sidewalks, etc

  • Improve bus stops (adding bus shelters, lighting, potential rerouting/additional bus stops)

  • People want to feel more connected in their neighborhood

There was a site visit held in February 2022 of Allegheny Dwellings site

Housing Plan Update:

Housing redevelopment is looking at redevelopment on site at Allegheny Dwellings and off site throughout California-Kirkbride, Charles Street Valley, Fineview and Perry Hilltop


Goal: Improve access and ease of mobility to everyday needs and employment.


  • road conditions

  • pedestrian safety

  • availability of parking

  • frequency of buses

  • location of bus stops

  • reliability of buses

Suggested Strategies:

  • Bus to McKnight Road where many employment opportunities are

  • Increasing bus shelters (Only 2 bus shelters in the Choice neighborhood - DOMI is responsible for installing the shelter and Port Authority maintains)

  • Monitoring bus shelters for safety (Will have increased police presence throughout the Choice Neighborhood and will be initiating a new community policing program to “walk the beat” )

  • Bus stop at Wilson and North Charles (there’s no curb - not a safe place)

  • Increasing crosswalks near bus stops


Goal: Improve access and ease of mobility to everyday needs and employment.


  • Transportation - difficulty traveling to purchase food

  • Affordability - difficulty paying for food/fresh produce

  • Availability - not even people selling

Suggested Strategies:

  • A program in partnership with Northside Common Ministries food pantry and UberEats to allow deliveries of free fresh produce that people can select on their own for all Northside resident, up to 3x/week (hoping to be started by May)

  • Free food pantry (Light of Life) open to the public at The Pittsburgh Project every Wednesday and open to community organizations throughout the week

  • Farmers Market with Ballfield Farm held at The Pittsburgh Project/Fowler Park

  • Somali Bantu grow produce and are interested in selling

  • Indoor farmer’s market - include locally grown products


Goal: Reactivation of open spaces and greenways that help create a feeling of connection with the surrounding community


  • Needs more green space

  • Who decides within the city that an area is a greenway?

  • Overgrown/lack of maintenance

Suggested Strategies:

  • Greenway program has been initiated in H

azelwood, can be replicated in CN (how to establish a greenway, starts with 3 meetings,

  • Meeting 1. what activities would occur in that greenway? Goals for the greenway,

  • Meeting 2. how to map the greenway/trail, decide uses, implementation,

  • Meeting 3. Final plan, stewardship)

Potential Partners:

  • Landforce

  • Grounded

  • Allegheny Cleanways

  • DOMI

  • Port Authority

  • Tree Pittsburgh


Allegheny Dwellings:

  • Improve play area in Belleau Drive

  • Letsche Street Gathering Space

  • No String Shop and Resource Center


California/Brighton Triangle

  • California Avenue Revitalization

Charles Street Valley

  • Cross and Strauss Playground


  • Carrie Street Sculpture

  • Fineview Overlook

  • Fineview Park

  • Edenvale Trail

Perry Hilltop

  • Ballfield Farm

  • Fowler Park Refresh

  • Perrysville Mural

Expand the Greenway Network starting from Perry Hilltop through community stewardship

Focus on accessible, convenient transit and safe streets, light and environment

Improve park access and amenities - everyone within a 10 minute walk

Strengthen connections through murals, history, community gathering places


People Taskforce

April 5th, 12pm

Housing Taskforce

April 13th, 12pm

Choice Community Meeting (2)

Allegheny Dwellings

TBD May 2022



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