As a next step for the Choice Neighborhoods Planning effort we will be breaking out into Taskforces and smaller Working Groups to take a deeper dive into each area of the plan to review & refine emerging goals and begin to develop preliminary draft strategies as part of the first outline that will be submitted to HUD in December. The bigger Taskforces are Housing, Neighborhood, and People. The smaller Working Groups, under the People Task Force, are Employment, Education & Health. Please Mark Your Calendars: EMPLOYMENT Tuesday November, 9th 12PM -1PM
Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 879 3886 6854 Passcode: 171100 Phone: +1 301 715 8592 US
EDUCATION: Thursday November, 11th 12PM-1PM
Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 838 1709 6417 Passcode: 691405 Phone: +1 301 715 8592 US
HEALTH: Friday November 12th, 12PM -1PM
Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 859 3922 8025 Passcode: 677508 Phone: +1 312 62
HOUSING Tuesday, November 16th, 12PM -1PM
Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 810 6259 5708 Passcode: 123879 One tap mobile +13017158592,,81062595708#,,,,*123879# US
NEIGHBORHOOD Friday, November 19th, 12PM -1PM
Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 820 4664 1923 Passcode: 050465 One tap mobile +13017158592,,82046641923#,,,,*050465# US
You are encouraged to attend the workgroup meeting best aligned with your interest, skills, and experience but are invited to attend any/all.
For more information, visit:!