
On December 16, 2020, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced a $450,000 planning grant for the Fineview Citizens Council (FCC), the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) working jointly with Allegheny Dwellings Tenant Council and a broad set of partners representing the City of Pittsburgh, surrounding neighborhoods, and organizational partners.
The grant will be used to develop a locally-driven community plan focused on 3 key areas:
Why Should You Get Involved?
Choice Neighborhoods will attract funding to support local priorities. Attend the virtual meeting to find out more about the Choice process, and how you can share your ideas about the future of Allegheny Dwellings, and the changes you want to see in your neighborhood.
About The Process
Choice Neighborhoods is a planning process that will guide the future of Allegheny Dwellings and its connection to the neighborhoods around it.
It is a planning process that engages residents and key stakeholders in looking at where future Allegheny Dwellings homes will be built, what services will be provided for residents, and how the broader community can be improved to support all neighbors.
A Steering Committee will drive the planning process, along with three task forces: Housing, People, and Neighborhood.
Steering Committee includes:
Allegheny Dwellings Tenants Council
City Council Representative
City Council Representative
City Planning Representative
Department of Health & Human Services
Mayor's Office Representative
Urban Redevelopment Authority
Choice Neighborhoods is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Learn More. Check out additional resources below:
Early Action Activities Requirements and Process
Survey Results from Past Grantees
Fineview Citizens Council (FCC) and Housing Authority City of Pittsburgh (HACP) applied for a Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant in the fall of 2020. The application was one of eight selected out of 50 applications around the country. FCC is the lead applicant. HACP is the co-applicant. FCC and HACP are working to engage all partners and neighbors in this planning process to create a compelling Transformation Plan.
The Transformation Plan will be used to attract funding the implement the plan. In the meantime, there is funding for Early Action Activities. Early Action Activities are special projects residents identify, such as rehabbing a building for a special purpose, turning a vacant lot into a garden.

"Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much."
- Helen Keller